Brandeis International Business School Centers and Initiatives Newsletter
Brandeis International Business School needed to inform their Board members and major donors, as well as alumni, and current faculty, students, and staff, about the range of public programming on business, economics, and finance topics offered by their Centers and Initiatives. We designed a semi-annual newsletter to feature highlights from recent events and promote upcoming events.

Graphic Design/Production
Print Management
Jaime Bernard’s expertise proved invaluable to me on a number of educational marketing initiatives that she took on for me on behalf of Centers and Initiatives at Brandeis International Business School. Prior to this, she worked on a number of marketing and event campaigns for me at other non-profit institutions. I highly recommend her work and her creative approach to getting our brand out to these markets.
—Barbara Cassidy, Associate Director, Centers and Initiatives and External Relations, Brandeis International Business School, Brandeis University